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Hello Everyone,  

Welcome to my website! This is a website about the spiritual connection.
We will give you the best survices and the messages from angels.


停下腳步... ... 深呼吸~ 吐氣~

  In our every day life, we may  feel the emotions, and many situations may come up accidentally. 
  Sometimes, we fall into these EMOTIONS.  But, we always forget that we have a kind of power which can heal ourselves. It is called, "BREATHING"
   Meditaion is an exercise worked by breathing with consciousness  and subconsciousness flow. We can connect with the power of nature by breathing. Then you can feel yourself clearly.  Many Blessings~

What do you think the meditation is?  你覺得冥想是什麼?


The photos in the Gallery are taken by myself, and they're related to the power of Nature. Maybe you could stay for awhile and do the meditation.

Why sould we know LOVE and Peace?


Love is the great miracle cure.

  Loving ourselves works miracles in our lives.                                                                     ─Louise L. Hay




  從 ,我們被愛所教育。那怕不是父母的愛,也可能是養育者、自己喜愛的東西。我們都是帶著愛來到這世界上的。

   生活慢慢的繁瑣、複雜,進而就造成了人們開始罪惡、忌妒、厭惡等地負面能量產生。那愛呢? 我們忘記了愛的存在。

  在 繁忙的生活中,我們也並不會注意到自己少了寧靜,盲甚過忙,連愛也漸漸消失在我們的生活中。

  現 在,我們能再次向宇宙發出訊號,我們需要愛、寧靜去平撫被蒙蔽已久的缺口。讓彼此重新認識及感受愛與寧靜的能量吧!

    When we were kids, we were taught by love . No matter what love came from, it might be the person who loves you. We all bring love to this world.

    When our lives become more complex and busy, we will make our brain to create some negative emotions, which liked guilt, enviness, hate,and etc. But, where is "LOVE"? We've forgotten its exsistence.

    In our busy life, we don't even notice the felling of peace. Having no sense is much more than being busy. We finally don't know how to observe our body and feeling it. Therefore, we forget what love is!

    Now, it's the time to send out the messages upon to the universe. We need love and peace to comfort the missing piece in our heart. Let's meet and feel the energy of love and peace again.

  首先,非常感謝我的家人、朋友們對我肯定。接著是謝謝我的靈性老師群們-全能指導老師、Doreen Virtue ,Charles Virtue ,Melissa Virtue等,以及一位在靈學路上認識的好朋友-Daniel Bonsei,讓我更有自信在這條靈性的道路上不斷突破。





Why do I want to build this website?

    At first, I have to appreciate my family, friends. Thanks for your encouragement.

    Next, I have to thank for my spiritual teachers, my whole spirit teacher-Ms. Chen, Doreen Virtue, Charles Virtue, Melissa Virtue, and etc. And one of my friends when I am on my spirtual learning path, Daneil Bonsei. Because of their support, I've had much more faith in me on this spiritual way and being better.   

    We learn and growth in our everyday life. For "Sharing how we find the way back to our pure inner spirit" and"Offering every services", then guiding you back to the original soul and help you solve any problems confusing you.     

    Finally, I decide to walk on my first step-Internet. With the sharing and services, to let everyone know the higher self. You will have the best services.

    Now, we are walking on the divine road!

Angels Surround YOU!



Let's Bring Love & Peace to this World of Light

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